Monday, September 22, 2014


There is an app called Wattpad, and its an app where people can publish books of their own writing online, and I really like reading the stories on there put out by other creative people. I really want to start writing a book or something to post on there, but I really don't know what, or what about. I want to write a love story or something, but I'm not sure what it should be about... I might start writing one soon. Hopefully an idea will come to me!

Pinch Pot Pottery

This is the final product of my pinch pot piece. I started out with a basic form of a bowl-like shape and it took me a while to get the shape I wanted. The base kept becoming wider and wider when I didn't want it to, so I had to work on keeping my fingers straighter and not pinching out, but trying to pinch in and up instead. Then once I got the base that I wanted, I I moved on to the top piece. The top piece was also a basic pinch pot, but this one's base was much smaller so that  I could get the spout look that I wanted.  It took me a while with the top piece also because the clay was relatively weak and so when I was trying to smooth the bumps out, it made parts of the clay really thin and weak. So I had to work on putting the right about of pressure on the parts that I wanted. When I was done, I made a coil and attached it to the bottom pinch pot and attached the top piece to the coil. After I smoothed everything out, I created my spout. It was hard smoothing everything out, but once I was done, it was exactly how I wanted it to turn out. I then made the design on the outside. I had a hard time finding a design that I liked that showed movement. I wanted a simple design at first, but it didn't show enough movement, so I though of some crazier out of the box ideas that I liked and decided to go with one. I didn't want to just carve a design in, I wanted it to pop and stand out, so I created a 3-D design . I think my pinch pot was successful, except I wish I would've fixed my handle a little bit more, because it doesn't look exactly how I wanted it took look, even though it came close. 

Beautiful Pictures

This set of pictures really inspired me today. I really like them, they're beautiful and it really makes me think about how beautiful nature is and how you can incorporate it with humans and make it even more beautiful. I've always wanted to paint fairies that have flowers as dresses/skirts and this really made me think that I could be the fairy with a flower skirt. I'm going to try this soon in the near future

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Oh boy

I kind of have a thing for a guy at the moment, and its great because i think he likes me too. His name is Trevor and hes pretty cool. Anyway, he basically asked me out a few weeks ago, but the problem is (and he knows it because we are both Mormon) im not quite 16 yet. Neither is he, so far, but he turns soon. I turn 16 in a few months, and he (basically) told me that he wants tto take me out somewhere. This is how the conversation went: so he and i were talking about something and i dont even remember what, but he says something along the lines of "so if we were to go on a compatibility show, we would get all the right answers and win, right?" So i tell him that i would know aa lot about him, but he wouldnt know too much about me, so then he says ok, and asks me some questions, one of which was what i like to do in the area. So i told him i like to just walk around the mall or something and so then he replies and says oh ok id like to remember some of the places you want to go. And i ask why and he says that he'd like to remember places i want to go when i turn 16. But its good because he kinda sorta implied that he wants to take me out again later when i told him some of the things on my bucket list, and one of them happened to be going tto.a carnival, and he asked me if i had been to one and i told him no, so then he says that maybe we could go sometime. He wants to take me tto a carnival! Im so excited. Im pretty sure he likes me and its super exciting... lets see what happens next! :)

Every Day Counts

Ok kids, sit down, I am going to tell y'all a story. Once upon a time, there lived a girl whose name was Haleigh. And Haleigh had lots of crushes on various boys throughout her life, and even though she tried her hardest, it was a habit she just couldn't break. That girl is me. This blog is all about my point of view on life as a teenage girl, and all the wonderful details.
"First things first I'm the realest", this is the first phrase of Fancy by Iggy Azalea. First things first, Im the realest girl on my volleyball team. Im so tired of fake people claiming to be geniune, and thats what all the girls in our day and age do. Im not saying im perfect, but everyday im striving to be better, and work harder and have more real-ness about my personality, instead of fake-ness. Every day is a blessing, but you just have to look at it optimistically.